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Manisha Koirala Thanks Modi For Support!

Mumbai: Bollywood actress Manisha Koirala, who has her roots in Nepal, has thanked India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for quickly coming to Nepal’s help after the devastating earthquake.
Koirala was in tears while watching the news of the destruction on TV after a 7.9-magnitude quake left over 4,000 people dead.
“Commendable job by the Indian gov(ernment) to quickly send help…cannot thank enough!!!” read a post on the Twitter page of the actress, the granddaughter of BP Koirala, Nepal’s first elected prime minister.
“Tears roll down after seeing all this… My heartfelt thanks to Indian help… In such times their quick (and) effective help will be forever be embedded in our memories… Thank you Prime Minister Modi,” read another post on the actress’ Twitter and Facebook page.

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