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11 Amazing Facts About Kissing, Probably Unknown!

Kissing is the beautiful act of expressing desire and passion for another. Kisses can be strong and passionate, very heated, backed by strong desire. Or they can be soft and gentle, where there is longing for more, but little is more. Either way, it is the greatest thing ever. Here are 11 amazing facts about kissing…
  1. Kissing someone for 1 minute burns about 2 calories.So technically, to lose 1100 calories, which is about 1 kg of weight, you need to kiss for 9 hours 16 minutes straight.
  2. When two people kiss, they exchange between ten million to 1 billion bacteria.
  3. Kissing someone is more sanitary than shaking hands if you want to avoid a cold.
  4. Kissing can cause tooth decay! So Food might not be the issue the next time you get a toothache.
  5. The longest kiss ever recorded lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds.
  6. The science of kissing is known as Philematology.
  7. The scientific name for French kiss is Cataglottism.
  8. The first time two men kissed on screen was in 1927.
  9. An average person spends two weeks of its life only for kissing!
  10. Two thirds of people tilt their head to the right side when they are kissing.
  11. In Nevada, it is illegal to kiss with a mustache.
So wishing you a happy kissing….

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