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6 Surprising Facts About Pregnancy Every Woman Must Know!

In today’s day and age, information is easily available, no matter what the subject. Readers believe that they know everything about a subject and Wikipedia experts seem to have all the answers.
Pregnancy and your body are two things that FAQs cannot answer, as no two pregnancies are the same. The fact-slide can engulf you, and you seem overwhelmed. But don’t worry! We are here to tell you about a few facts about your pregnant body, that may be useful, interesting, and most definitely surprising, so be prepared.
To uncover the mystery of pregnancy, keep reading!

1. Power Lies In The Uterus…

Most of you may not know this, heck, we didn’t even know this little tidbit, but a woman’s uterus is extremely strong. For example, our sources state, “A contracting woman’s uterus pushes at 397 pounds of pressure per square foot, which is phenomenal.” Go girl power!

2. Your Bones Get Loose?!

Pregnancy brings many changes. One of them is a hormone Relaxin (produced by the ovary and the placenta). As underlined by its name, the hormone softens cartilage between your pelvic bones and widens your cervix. Here’s the creepy part – a lot of women hear the pelvis pop and click! And yes, it is as painful as it sounds, but it makes delivery easier. An obstetrician from the Gynecology Division at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, explains that “The bone does not crack, but it cannot go back to its original position, in fact, it never does.”

3. Double Pregnancy:

Did you know there’s a possibility of getting pregnant WHILE you’re already pregnant? Intercourse during pregnancy is meant to be carefree and even free of all those contraceptives, but every once in a while; it leads to a second pregnancy. In fact, a woman once carried two children with separate due dates! Weird, huh?

4. The Dark Line:

Did you know that a terrifyingly creepy dark blackish line will appear all the way down your stomach during pregnancy? We originally believed that it occurs suddenly during pregnancy, but that’s not true. The line has always existed but isn’t as visible before pregnancy. It just gets darker during pregnancy because your hormones trigger pigmentation making it more visible, which is why it’s called the “lineanigrea.”

5. The Famous Waddle:

We all know and love the pregnant woman duck/penguin waddle. It is the subject of many-a-joke, which only makes you poor dears self-conscious and embarrassed. However, take these jokes on your chin and be happy. You are nurturing your lovely little angel inside you. According to doctors, the waddle occurs as the joints relax and your center of gravity shifts.

6. Breastfeeding Gets Rid Of Extra Calories:

Breastfeeding doesn’t just help your child, but it helps you as well. (Think about that when you’re sore and in pain during feeding) Breast milk is full of hormones, which help bring your uterus back to normal size. Apparently, breastfeeding can help you burn 600 calories a day. So, breastfeeding helps you shed all that extra pregnancy weight soon!
So there you have it – 6 surprising, fairly weird, but also interesting pregnancy facts you should know. We’re almost certain most people did not know the above facts, but that’s okay because we didn’t either!

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