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Needs of New Lead & New Thoughts |Articles

Laxman Shrestha / Politics is the very serious subject to leave alone just to the politicians to deal by. We have seen some major political changes in last few decades, our politics took lots of ups and downs. But I don’t see any significant development in any of these stages. We still have the same problem as we have in BS 2007.
We are still facing the same challenges as we faced in BS 2047. We are still struggling for the same thing as we did before BS 2062. There has not been any major national development caused by any Mass movements.
Few things got better as time passes. Few things were done, but that’s not enough.

We hardly see our politician talking about national development, educational development, or GDP. Ever since I know they have been talking about the same things,
They have been playing two major games as of my understanding first one is – blame game second is Divide and rule.

I have never heard them talking about major things they should be talking about,
· How we can improve our education system?
· How we can give better education to every child in the country?
· What can we do to increase our GDP?
· How can we revolutionize our economics system?
· How can we be independent?
· How can we bring back all those who work in direct sunlight of 50 degrees temperature?
. How can we create the job in our own Nepal?
. Youth entrepreneurship, village development, health care to all citizens etc...
My point is we should not depend on our political system or our politician to develop our country because they are too stupid to understand the basic economic system and its structure and how it works in national level. The reason we never heard them talking about education maybe because they never went to university or even complete school level.
Next time we better vote an educated politician to lead our nation, or we should pursue our career in politics because we can not leave politics on the hand of stupid people.
IT is now or never.. Rise up youth,
Build yourself, build your society, build your district and Build Nepal....

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