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A search and rescue team from Fairfax County is home from Nepal

Fairfax County Search and Rescue Team Returns Home After Over 2 Weeks Of Rescue Operation in Nepal
A search and rescue team from Fairfax County is home from Nepal, three days after a second deadly earthquake struck the area. The Fairfax County Urban Search and Rescue Team arrived in Nepal to aid in rescue. A major earthquake has struck eastern Nepal, near Mount Everest, two weeks after more than 8,000 people died in a devastating quake. The latest earthquake hit near the town of Namche Bazaar and sent thousands of panicked residents on to the streets of Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu. It had a magnitude of 7.3, compared with the 7.8 of the 25 April quake. At least 48 people have been killed and more than 1,000 injured, officials say. These earthquakes undoubtedly affected many more people in Nepal. They have heightened Disaster Medical Response, set up temporary emergency services in the courtyard and put our medical team on high alert. There’s an enormous gap between the number of tents that are getting to devastated communities and the enormous need (one million tents, by the latest government estimate). There is great urgency given that the annual monsoon rains are about to begin in earnest. Victims have been sharing food and staying outside. Health organizations and officials appealed for urgent assistance in Nepal on Monday as shortages of food and water sparked fears disease would spread among survivors of the country’s deadly earthquake.

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